Monday 8 August 2016

Best Juicers on the Market

Given how often dieticians and nutritionists keep stressing the importance of including a glass of fresh juice in our daily diet, most households nowadays have warmed up to the idea that they need to buy juicer for their kitchens. An electric juicing appliance brings much convenience to users and gives them the advantage of freshly prepared juice in the confines of their home.

Often people spend much time deliberating upon the Best Juicer to Buy for their home. Given the sheer variety of makes and models which are available in the market, you will need to do some research before choosing a brand and a model which is most suitable for your home. On a very basic level, there are electric citrus juicers, centrifugal juicers, cold press juicers and even the advanced and multi-purpose appliance like the juicer mixer grinder. Each uses different technology to extract the juice and has a defined capability to juice fresh produce.

Individuals also determine the ideal model for their home from the available options of Best Juicers on the Market based on such preferences like how often they intend to use the appliance, the power consumed by the juicer, the range of ingredients that the appliance is able to juice, the price of the appliance and the space that the appliance will take up on the kitchen counter. When you invest in a juicer, make sure you also check the warranty and after sales service that a particular brand of offering because these are important considerations to look out for.

From small and handy juicers for citrus fruits to specialized centrifugal juice extractors and slow cold press juicers and even juicer mixer grinders which bring together three functions in one appliance, Sunflame’s range of juice extractors is an extensive one and caters to most requirements.

Powerful motors and multiple speed controls which make the juicers efficient in juicing soft and hard vegetables and fruits, individual juice extractor models of Sunflame come with individual specifications which place them among the top rung in their class of Kitchen Appliances. Aside from featuring extra large feeding tubes, stainless steel sieves, detachable parts for easy cleaning, overload protection and powerful motors, these juice extractors from Sunflame come in sleek and stylish designs which add to the decor of your kitchen. With all these international standard specifications, a Sunflame juicing appliance is the best juicer you can buy for your home.